I was reading a book called "Created To Be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl a while back. I haven't finished it yet. I put it down for a while to study my Bible more closely, but plan to pick it back up soon. Today I found the notebook I was taking notes in and thought I'd share some of the greater points of the book (from the first 13 chapters mind you). By the way, it's a great book and I highly recommend it to ALL women who are married or plan to get married.
Some great points from the book:
* A woman trying to function like a man is as ridiculous as a man trying to be like a woman. p.21
* It is far better that the job be done poorly by your husband than to be done well by you. p.23 (that's a tough one to accept, but it's true)
* No man has ever crawled out from under his wife's criticism to be a better man -- no matter how justified her condemnation. p.30
* Joy begins with thankfulness. Thankfulness is how you think; joy is the abundance it produces. p.37
* Christ is willing to love you and make you His bride, just as you are. And he asks you to be a bride to your husband; just as he is. p.44
* To allow someone else to control your life is much harder than taking control of it yourself. p.50
* You can decide to be in a constant state of anger and bitterness, or you can ask God for the wisdom to live each day in a state of honoring your man for God's sake. p.55
* A woman who really knows God will know thata true spirituality is obeying God's recorded Word, not cultivating her "spiritual" sensibilities. p.59
* Divorce is never planned, but is almost always preceded by certain avoidable reactive behavior and events. Don't let it happen to you. p.72...is there any satisfaction in your punishing responses?
* Wisdom is knowing what you "bought" when you married that man, and learning to adapt to him as he is, not as you want him to be. p.76
* God designed the woman to be sensitive and vulnerable for the sake of the little ones whom she must nurture. p. 108
* And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
1 Tim 2:14 (A reason women should not teach men) p. 110
* We need to be aware of the power we have to seduce our husbands into following us into disregarding the clear, objective words of God. p.111
* Today, if a woman is willing to play her husbands role in directing the family, her husband will lose his natural drive to bear responsibility. p.112
* God created the woman to be the helper of the man - a sinless man. Now that she has led him into sin, she is still his helper, her desires are still focused on him and his goals, and he will still rule over her as before -- but now he is sinful, selfish, and carnal. p.118
* All marriages are made up of two sinners with lots of faults. p.129
* Any woman who lives on the edge, expecting to be offended and believing ill will on every hand, that woman is living in vain imaginations and is a godless woman. p.129-130
Yes, this book can be harsh, but it's all biblically based and when you really think about it, the harsh words are true.
Cream Cheese Chicken Chili
11 years ago
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